Dream Spot Streaming

SPOSYNC.COM - Ads Promotion WebCast Setting

You can use screen-share feature after simply playing your recorded clips via your media player then share it after registering your webcast events. Please see the registration instruction. If you would like to utilize Linux V4L2loopback, then follow the next instruction.

This promotion webcast requires you to have the following OS, kernel and package like Ubuntu, V4L2loopack and FFMPEG.

V4L2loopack is to allocate video memory for your additional devices on Linux to catch your stream from FFMPEG.

V4L2loopback is only available for Ubuntu with varied types of installation such as stand-alone, dual-boot and WSL2 on Windows.

Please consult with the link, to build it on your Ubuntu or simply use the command : sudo apt-get install -y v4l2loopback-dkms on CLI. However, please make sure these capture devicec should be displayed on the HOST EVENT page of sposync.com.

You could check the link, https://sposync.com/evevMonitor, after the v4l2loopback kernel is built or installed described above, and click the "Media Ready" button after executing V4L2 command : sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=2 video_nr=6,7 card_label=video6,video7

The command above sets two video memory regions and marked as video6 or video7, and they can be checked at the page above showing camera 2 or 3 other than default PC or smartphone cameras from your web browsers.

Chrome browser does have a option for the V4L2 command like : sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=2 video_nr=6,7 card_label=video6,video7 exclusive_caps=1,1

FFMPEG is to write your source video played to the video memory you assigned in the step above by executing V4L2loopback.

You can install FFMPEG through: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install ffmpeg.

You need to check your video at https://sposync.com/evevMonitor after playing the video through the following commands,

ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -re -i your-file-name.mp4 -f v4l2 /dev/video6 or video7 in FireFox browser,

while in Chrome browser,

ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -re -i your-file-name.mp4 -vf format=pix_fmts=yuv420p -f v4l2 /dev/video6 or video7

If you want to check that your video be accessible by customers, you can use Join Event page from other browser tabs or windows or other devices' browsers.

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